Resep sedap Cotognata - Quince Jello

Cotognata - Quince Jello ~ memang sekarang ini sedang banyak dicari oleh sebagian orang disekitar kita, salah satunya kalian. Mereka memang sudah terbiasa mamnfaatkan internet di smartphone untuk mencari informasi gambar untuk dijadikan wawasan. Next merupakan gambar seputar Cotognata - Quince Jello yang dapat Anda jadikan ide.

Cotognata - Quince Jello anda dapat memasak Cotognata - Quince Jello pakai 3 bahan 12 langkah. Inilah cara anda untuk memasaknya.

Ingredients of Cotognata - Quince Jello

  1. Persiapkan 1 of any amount is okay Quince.
  2. Sediakan 1 of per every 10 quince fruits Lemon.
  3. Persiapkan 1 of as much (to taste) Cinnamon.

Intruksi cara membuat Cotognata - Quince Jello

  1. Wash the quince well..
  2. Cut the quince fruit in half without peeling..
  3. Put the water in a pot, add the quince fruit, and the cut lemons with the skins still intact..
  4. Boil until softened, then add drain the water..
  5. Peel the quince well..
  6. Use an electric mixer to beat until smooth and mousse-like..
  7. Put the moussed quince and sugar in the pot and heat..
  8. Simmer over low heat while stirring with a wooden spatula..
  9. Once simmered, transfer into jars sterilized with boiling water while still hot and store..
  10. You can also pour it into a cookie or cake mold and store in a place where daylight hits it for a few days..
  11. After a few days, remove from the mold and let sit for another 2 or 3 days where sunlight can hit it until the surface has dried!.
  12. It's done! It's very delicious when eaten with cheese!.

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