Resep lezat Purple Sweet Potato Sponge Cake

Purple Sweet Potato Sponge Cake ~ memang sekarang ini sedang banyak dicari oleh pengguna disekitar kita, salah satunya kalian. Mereka memang sudah terbiasa mamnfaatkan internet di gadget untuk mencari informasi gambar untuk dijadikan ide. Next adalah gambar mengenai Purple Sweet Potato Sponge Cake yang bisa sobat jadikan contoh.

Purple Sweet Potato Sponge Cake kamu dapat memasak Purple Sweet Potato Sponge Cake manfaatkan 10 bahan 4 langkah. Inilah langkah-langkah untuk memasaknya.

Ingredients of Purple Sweet Potato Sponge Cake

  1. Siapkan juga 4 of eggs.
  2. Persiapkan 200 gram of caster sugar.
  3. Sediakan 200 gram of plain flour.
  4. Siapkan juga 1/2 of vanilla powder.
  5. Sediakan 1/2 of baking powder.
  6. Sediakan 1 teaspoon of baking mix (ovalett).
  7. Siapkan juga 2 tablespoon of milk powder (can use condense milk 3 tsb).
  8. Siapkan juga 150 ml of coconut milk.
  9. Sediakan 300 gram of purpel sweet potatoe.
  10. Sediakan of Butter (for baking pan).

Intruksi cara memasak Purple Sweet Potato Sponge Cake

  1. Blend the boiled sweet potatoes, then add the coconut milk and milk until smooth..
  2. Mixer the eeg and caster sugar at high speed until the dough is completely stiff and white..
  3. Put vanilla, baking powder, baking mix, then mixer again. After that, input the mashed sweet potato into the mixture and the mixer again until smooth, after all mixed with flour and coconut milk, reduce the mixer speed to the lowest and all ingredients are evenly mixed..
  4. Brush the pan with butter and a little flour, then add the batter mixture Put the pan into the oven, wait until it cooks and changes color Remove the pan from, and sponge ready to be served. Ideal for morning tea or afternoon tea..

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