Resep sedap Smoothie Bowl with Bananas and Blueberries
Smoothie Bowl with Bananas and Blueberries ~ memang waktu ini sedang banyak dicari oleh teman-teman disekitar kita, salah satunya kalian. Mereka memang telah terbiasa mamnfaatkan internet di ponsel untuk melihat informasi gambar untuk dijadikan wawasan. Seterusnya adalah gambar tentang Smoothie Bowl with Bananas and Blueberries yang bisa sobat jadikan wawasan.
anda mampu membuat Smoothie Bowl with Bananas and Blueberries menggunakan 11 bahan 5 langkah. Inilah cara anda untuk memasaknya.
Ingredients of Smoothie Bowl with Bananas and Blueberries
- Persiapkan of Smoothie.
- Siapkan juga 2 of frozen bananas.
- Persiapkan 1 pack of frozen of forest fruits.
- Sediakan 1 pack of Alpro Mild & Creamy Coconut (or just yogurt).
- Siapkan juga of Topping.
- Siapkan juga 1 of banana in slices.
- Persiapkan of Blueberries.
- Sediakan of Baby figs.
- Persiapkan of Coconut chips.
- Persiapkan of Almond shavings.
- Persiapkan of Muesli or oatmeal.
Intruksi cara membuat Smoothie Bowl with Bananas and Blueberries
- Slice two bananas and place them in the freezer the night before. (These remain good for up to 8 months 😍💪🏼).
- Put the 2 sliced bananas completely frozen in a blender with a packet of frozen fruits and add some yogurt. Blend until it looks like some ice cream, because it should almost be that thick!.
- If you want it a little thinner, you can still add some yoghurt. If it is the desired thickness, spoon the smoothie into a bowl..
- Cut the last banana into slices and the baby figs into segments..
- The banana slices, baby figs, muesli, blueberries, muesli, coconut shavings and almond shavings are garnished. Can be nice, because you fill it in nicely 😉.
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